A Mystic
Recently returning from the mountains of Sedona Arizona, where Colwyn prayed, fasted, and meditated for 40 days and 40 nights, now returns with “The Gift” To help a world facing its greatest pain, to find peace, compassion, love, joy, balance, and acceptance in all things, to awaken to its true spiritual potential.
Colwyn has spent a life journey studying human pain and suffering and observing its rapid expansion over the last few years. Now a society spiraling out of control has called to Colwyn, and with his extensive knowledge of the Masters and the Devine, you too may awaken on the path of inner peace.
Colwyn; always shares the way, by helping you on your way!
My awakening happened years ago when the pain of my world had grown to the point that I wanted to end my life, ego, and fear is the thing that separated me from the divine and other people. Once I faced that fear, looked at all my choices and saw the truth of it, then came the room for the awakening, since then my mission in life is a breath of unlimited peace, and to help others find the truth of that path, that all things are as their meant to be, that every thought, breath, and action, is a prayer that connects us to the creating of all things and that energy is within us all.
As a Mystic Colwyn has been touched by divine grace and often feels the compassionate pain of those around him and many of their spiritual pain and suffering as well. Because Colwyn has gone on many vision quests, sweat lodges, and his most recent journey of 40 days and 40 nights. Because of these, he has been given the insight from Creating itself on ways to help lessen the burdens of his fellow humans on this amazing spiritual journey.